Friday 6 January 2017

"Speaking for those without a voice"

Thoughts about ethics and science – why does it matter? 
Watching one of the week four videos, I was left thinking about the scientific ethics of testing on animals.  In particular around respect for subjects and moral theory. 
Most mentally well people would agree that it would be immoral to abuse or intentionally hurt animals, so it must follow that they agree that animals hold some level of moral status.  Then why do they not have the same moral status as humans? Why should we not hold the same respect for these subjects as we do to humans?    
Don't even get me started on the issue of informed consent!!!!! 😠 
Even from a utilitarian perspective of "the greatest good for the greatest number" it doesn't make sense unless we choose not to count the animals in that "number".  Why not?  Why wouldn't we?  What gives us the right to think that the life of a non human animal is worth less than that of a human?  We are all sentient beings with feelings.  I guess most people would argue that the harm inflicted on animals through testing of diseases and drugs and medicines which could help humans who are suffering is worth it.  That the lives of millions of rabbits and mice and dogs over countless years are worth the chance of finding a cure for cancer. 
So where do we draw the line?  How ethical is it to cause skin burns, lesions, cancers, pain and suffering and long drawn out death to defenceless animals just, for example, to enable women to have a lipstick that she doesn’t need to reapply during her shopping days and long ”ladies lunches”?!?!?!? 
Sorry, you can tell I’m a bit passionate about this topic.  I’d welcome everyone else’s two cents. 
Animal lover


Unknown said...

I can definitely see that you are passionate about animals!

I think the main reason that things like animal testing occurs is that animals are not human. It is much easier to justify inflicting pain on something that doesn't look the same as you. We have even done it to other humans. Slavery was not immoral for a long time because people viewed the slaves as not being the same as them.

Perhaps sometime in the future there will be some sort of animal revolution and the exploitation of animals will cease.

Until then I'm afraid that human life is always going to take precedence over animals.

Unknown said...

This is a topic I could talk for hours on. Like you, I am an animal lover and am concerned about the ethics of testing on animals.

The way I figure it, we have plenty of rapists and murderers in prisons that could be put to good use and are at least capable of giving consent and verbal feedback regarding the medications they are testing.

With my ex, we bought the old Bainesse Boarding Kennel (aka, Valley Animal Research centre owned by Allen Goldenthal and Margaret Harkema. Think beagles....). What we bought and have since discovered over the property is the aftermath of what can only be described as a massacre horror movie. It was truly quite disturbing even though the majority of the bodies had long since been removed from the property.
They tested arthritis, contraceptive and cancer medications there among other things and bred dogs by the hundreds which were in turn, quite literally, tortured for their lives until they eventually died; many buried where they lay, some buried before they were even dead. The horror stories that the neighbours could tell's the thing nightmares are made of.

I do not believe this utilitarian theory can be utilised truly in these cases where the treatment of the animals is far from moral or ethical.

Vig Divyanshu 119.155 said...

Hey Athena,

Just like you, I am passionate about animals as well. I agree with all your points. Many cattle are treated similarly, many people still care more about the financial profits they bring the. To be honest, I saw this video against domestic violence where a lady took a stand on how she was in an abusive relationship and she took it to PETA and supported dozens of sheep who are bashed, slaughtered with knives and left to die out in the sad world. It's disgusting hence we should have a voice for the voiceless. I do not stand by the utilitarian theory, I mean what good is being done in the greatest number to the animals. It's nothing but all torture.