Saturday 17 December 2016

What I found most interesting about my topic for Assignment 1

I’ve always been a supporter of euthanasia, so when choosing a topic for assignment 1 I was immediately drawn to the concept of legalising organ donation euthanasia.   
We have so many rights in our lives (and so many people choose to make some bizarre decisions with theirs!!!) because it’s "our life". 
Surely as fully consenting adults, we should be able to choose to take certain actions over our own bodies, so long as it doesn’t harm or disadvantage any other human being of course?
According to the natural law moral theory – everyone is permitted to do as they please as long as they don’t violate anyone else's rights.  
My research did lead me to ponder certain aspects of euthanasia however. 
For a very personal perspective to the taking of one’s own life, I lost my brother to suicide nearly 11 years ago.  Whilst he was also mentally ill, through sharing a needle whilst injecting heroin he developed Hepatitis C.  His suicide was not exactly a shock to my parents or I as it was his third attempt, however we were later advised by a friend of his that he didn’t want to go through the pain and potential death from Hepatitis C. 
This brought up for me a few interesting points in the euthanasia debate.   
  1. None of us know whether his Hepatitis C was going to kill him, or even be a long painful struggle, but the fact is he didn’t want to face it.  Should euthanasia be legalised then would he be able to choose it?  Or is there a burden of proof on the patient to be at a certain level of pain and suffering before he can choose this?  Given it was his third suicide attempt – third time lucky! – he was definitely committed to going through with it. 
  1. The second thing, which you are probably already thinking about, is his mental state.  He was diagnosed bipolar after many years of using methamphetamines.  So would the legalisation of euthanasia allow him to choose to die?  What protocols, processes and procedures would there be?  Who would make the decision and what information would they use to make it? 
  1. Finally, should he have wanted organ donation euthanasia, what organs would he have been able to donate?  Having a lived a life of drugs from the age of probably 17 until his death at 29, what damage was done?  Clearly the Hep C would have damaged his liver. 
Anyway, the above was in no way meant to make you feel down, I've dealt with his death and I feel he's where he wanted to be - wherever that is!!!!!  I just wanted to share with you some thoughts that I had been pondering since we started this topic.


Unknown said...

Hey Athena

I'm sorry to hear about your brother. My condolences.

You raise some very interesting points though. I have always considered euthanasia to be one of those issues which is never concrete. Like you said, you had no idea whether hepatitis C would kill your brother but he didn't want to take the chance. Chance will always make this subject touchy.

Some interesting points though. And a different perspective is always helpful.

Thanks for sharing.

Vig Divyanshu 119.155 said...

Hey Athena,
Sorry to hear about your loss of your Brother. Personally, I think we can't control what is in not in our hands it's all left in gods hands. You just have to trust that.

You have listed some great points to highlight how euthanasia i a bad thing. It not only affects the person going through all of that suffering but also a great impact on the family. Having suffered the impact of drugs and hepatitis C shows how greatly impacted and in-grief he must have been. I do not support the issue of legalizing euthanasia because a forced death is never okay. I really like how you have well thought about your topic and made a personal approach with it. It's really touchy to read this because I also have someone in my family who suffers a mental illness.

Unknown said...

Hi Athena

Thank you for sharing such deep and personal experiences with us. I'm sorry for your loss.

I too am a supporter of euthanasia, but I am always stuck when it gets to the idea of a mentally ill person opting for euthanasia. To me it seems to be suicide by doctor.